
General Settings

To set General Settings for your portal, go to 'Settings'-'General'. These settings are listed under the 'General' tab on the 'General Settings' page.

Each field listed on this page is described below:

  1. Site Name: This serves as the name of the site. It usually corresponds to your company name.
  2. Homepage Title: This is the browser title of the homepage. This title is very important for search engine optimization. You would usually enter text that briefly lists your main services e.g. 'Nanny services, Elderly care, Baby sitters in Lagos'
  3. Homepage Meta Description Tag: This field is very useful for search engine optimization. It is usually the text that search engines display when your website appears in search engine result pages. Write a short paragraph that briefly describes your services. We recommend you keep the length between 50160 characters.
  4. Site Email: This is the default email address that the system uses to send out emails. It is not displayed on users on the frontend but they will see it if they receive an email from the portal. Ensure you use a functional email otherwise you may not receive replies from users.
  5. Contact Address: Enter your company's contact address here. This is displayed on the 'Contact Us' page of the portal.
  6. Telephone number: Enter your company's telephone number here. This is displayed on the 'Contact Us' page of the website.
  7. Contact Email: This should contain your company's contact email. This is displayed on the 'Contact Us' page of the website.
  8. Enable Employer Registration: Specify if you want employers to be able to register on the site. If you disable this, you can still manually create employers from the backend.
  9. Enable Candidate Registration: Specify if you want candidates to be able to register on the site. If you disable this, you can still manually create candidates from the backend.
  10. Header Scripts: In this box, you can place code that should go to the 'Head' section of all your site's frontend pages. Such code could include Google analytics code, Live chat code, Facebook advertising pixel e.t.c
  11. Footer Scripts: In this box you can place code that should go before the closing tag of all your site's pages.
  12. Currency Symbol: Enter in the currency symbol to be used on your site. Whatever symbol you enter here will be prepended to all prices that are displayed on your portal.
  13. Currency Name (plural): Enter the name of your currency in plural form and lowercase e.g. dollars, pounds, rand, naira etc.
  14. Disqus Shortcode: This field is for enabling comments in your blog. If you wish to enable commenting, you'll need to get a shortname from
  15. Currency Code: Enter the 3 character currency code for your currency in capital letters e.g. USD, NGN, GBP etc.
  16. Verify Employer Email?: This determines if employers will need to verify their email addresses before they can create accounts on the portal.
  17. Verify Candidate Email?: This determines if candidates need to verify their email addresses before they can create accounts on the platform.
  18. Enable CAPTCHA for employer registration?: If enabled, this prevents registration spam by requiring employers to fill in characters displayed on an image before they can register.
  19. Enable CAPTCHA for candidate registration?: If enabled, this prevents registration spam by requiring candidates to fill in characters displayed on an image before they can register.

Order Settings

Before you start accepting orders on your CarePro portal, you should setup some basic order settings. These define a few options for how orders should be placed on your site.

The order settings are visible on the 'Order' tab of the 'General Settings page

Each option presented in this page is explained below:

  1. Enable Shortlist: This specifies if you would like Employers to be able to shortlist candidates while they are placing their orders. If you set this to 'No' , then the shortlist option will not be visible on the site. However, you will still be able shortlist candidates if you are creating orders manually from the backend.
  2. Require billing address during checkout: This specifies if you would like to force users to submit their billing addresses during checkout. This is needed if you are using certain payment gateways that may require it.

Candidate Profile Form

By default, the registration form for candidates appears as below:

However, if you want every candidate to supply more information during registration, you can add more fields to the candidate registration form.

To manage custom fields for candidate profiles, go to 'Settings'-'Forms'-'Candidate Profile'

The candidate profile form page opens as shown below

Each field must belong to a section. Sections allow you to group related fields and makes your form more organized. Click on the 'Add New' button to create a new section

The different fields are explained below

  1. Name: The name of the section. This will also be visible to candidates. Choose a name that describes what type of information will be collected by the fields in this section
  2. Sort Order: This controls the order of display of this section relative to other sections. Sections will be displayed in ascending order.
  3. Visible to public and in partial profiles: This determines if the data in this section should be viewable by employers while viewing the candidate's profile on the Frontend (if the candidate's visibility is set to public). It also determines if the section should be visible partial profiles i.e partial resume PDF downloads/emails.
  4. User Editable: This determines if the candidate can make changes to the fields in this section. If set to 'No', then only the admin will be able to view and edit the fields in this section. Also, setting this to 'No' will hide this section and its field from the candidate registration form.
  5. Show at registration: This determine if this section and it's fields will be visible during registration. This option is only visible if 'User Editable' is set to 'Yes'. If you set this option to 'No' then candidates will not see this section and its fields when they are registering for the first time. However, they will still see this section if they choose to update their account from their account's profile page.

Once you have created a section, you will be directed back to the section list page.

Click on the 'Manage Fields' button for a section in order to create fields for it. Creating fields here is similar to the process for creating order form fields. Please click here to read about field creation

Employer Profile Form

By default, the registration form for employers appears as below:

However, if you want every employer to supply more information during registration, you can add more fields to the employer registration form.

To manage custom fields for employer profiles, go to 'Settings'-'Forms'-'Employer Profile'

The employer profile form page opens as below

Each field must belong to a section. Sections allow you to group related fields and makes your form more organized. Click on the 'Add New' button to create a new section

The different fields are explained below

  1. Name: The name of the section. This will also be visible to employers. Choose a name that describes what type of information will be collected by the fields in this section
  2. Sort Order: This controls the order of display of this section relative to other sections. Sections will be displayed in ascending order.
  3. User Editable: This determines if the employer can make changes to the fields in this section. If set to 'No', then only the admin will be able to view and edit the fields in this section. Also, setting this to 'No' will hide this section and its field from the employer registration form.
  4. Show at registration: This determine if this section and it's fields will be visible during registration. This option is only visible if 'User Editable' is set to 'Yes'. If you set this option to 'No' then employers will not see this section and its fields when they are registering for the first time. However, they will still see this section if they choose to update their account from their account's profile page.

Once you have created a section, you will be directed back to the section list page.

Click on the 'Manage Fields' button for a section in order to create fields for it. Creating fields here is similar to the process for creating order form fields. Please click here to read about field creation

Order Forms

CarePro allows you to create multiple order forms. An order form is a dedicated form accessible only to Employers. Employers can use these forms to place orders for your services.

Each order form can be customized in order to receive the right type of information you need from your various types of Employers. For example, if you run a Nanny agency that caters for Parents and Creches, you can choose to create two order forms, one for Parents and the other for Creches. Links to the order forms can be placed on your Navigation menus for easy location by Employers.

In order to create an order form, login to your Admin account and navigate to 'Settings'-'Forms'-'Order Forms'.

The Order Forms page will open which shows the list of all available forms.

In order to create a new form, click on the 'Add New' Button.

The order form page will open up which contains the following fields:

  1. Name: Enter the name of the form. Choose a name that is descriptive of the Form's function as this name will be displayed as the Title of the form when employers open it.
  2. Description: The description of the form should contain instructions you would like employers to read before filling the form. This description will be visible on the first section of each Order Page an employer attempts to fill. It will also be visible on the order form list that gets displayed if there are more that one active order forms.
  3. Enabled: This specifies if a form can receive responses or not. If disabled, employers will not be able to view the form even if they have the url.
  4. Show Shortlist: When an employer is placing orders, they may wish to shortlist candidates from your public list. This setting determines if the shortlisted candidates will be visible on the form while it is being filled. You may wish to disable this if you do not expect Employers the form was designed for to be interested in shortlisting.
  5. Show Interview Fields: Typically, order forms are used to place orders for candidates and this usually results in an interview being scheduled. By default, forms have some fields that enable employers set their preferred interview details such as Interview date, Interview location and Interview Time.

    If you wish to hide these fields in a form, you can do so using this option.
  6. Enable automatic order invoice: This specifies if you would like and invoice to be generated automatically every time an employer successfully creates an order. This is especially useful for collecting mobilization fees. If set to yes, then and invoice will be automatically generated for the employer and they will be redirected to the payment page after they place their order.
  7. Invoice Amount: This option will only have an effect if the 'Enable automatic order invoice' option is set to 'Yes'. This specifies the amount that will be charged on the automatically generated invoice.
  8. Invoice Title: This option will only have an effect if the 'Enable automatic order invoice' option is set to 'Yes'. This defines the title of the invoice that is generated automatically.
  9. Invoice Description: This is the description of the invoice item for the automatically generated invoice (if enabled).
  10. Invoice Category: CarePro enables you to categorize your invoices for easy sorting. You can specify the Invoice Category that the automatically generated invoice (if enabled) will belong to by default.

Once you have successfully created a form, you can proceed to create sections for that form. Each order form is comprised of 'Sections'. You can create as many sections as you wish for each form. Each section can contain multiple fields. Fields are the actual form controls that the employer fill input data into. Fields can be of various types such as Text boxes, Text area, Select, Radio buttons, Labels, Checkboxes and File input.

To create a new section, click on the 'Manage Sections' button for the Order Form you are modifying

Next, click on the 'Add New' button.

The Order Form Section creation page will open as shown below:

The different fields on this page are explained below:

  1. Name: This is the name of the section. Enter a name that is descriptive of this section. However, ensure that you do not make your name too long as this is what is displayed as the title of the form section on the order form as show below

    We recommend you use just three or four words as your section name.
  2. Sort Order: The sort order is a digit that controls the order of display of this section relative to the order sections on the same form. Sort orders must be an integer (e.g. 1,2,3). The sections are displayed in ascending order of the sort order. Hence, if you assign the number 1 as a sort order for a section, it will be the first section that is displayed after the 'Details' and 'Shortlist' (if enabled) sections.

    We recommend you do not repeat section sort orders in a single form i.e. do not give two sections in the same form the same sort order number. This is to make sure your display order is predictable.
  3. Description: This is descriptive text that explains how the fields in this section should be filled. This is displayed to employers when they navigate to this section in the order form.

  4. Layout: The layout field is used to define the order in which fields will be displayed on the form. The layout can either be 'Vertical' or 'Horizontal'. If set to 'Vertical' then the order fields will be laid out vertically on the form e.g.

    However, if you set the layout to 'Horizontal', you can arrange the fields in that section in a grid format. Selecting the 'Horizontal' option will reveal the 'Column Width' option

    The grids are laid out in blocks of 12. You can specify how many blocks out of 12 each column in the section should occupy. For example, if you specify 6/12 as the column width, then each field will take up half of the space in the section as show below:

    If you set to 4/12, then each field will occupy one third of the space in the section like below:

Creating Fields

After you have successfully created your sections, you can then create fields. Each field (except the 'Label' field) represents a piece of data you wish to collect from an employer. To create or manage fields for a form section, click on the 'Manage Fields' button for that section:

This brings up the list of all the fields in that section. You can see the field type, sort order and if the field is a required field or not.

Next click on the 'Add New' button. This will bring up the field creation page:

Each option in this page is described below:

  1. Name: This is the title of the field. Please give each field a name that clearly describes the type of data that should be inputted into it.
  2. Type: This describes the nature of the Form field that will be created. The following type of fields are supported:
    - Text: This accepts a single line of text e.g

    Use this field type to collect small pieces of text.

    -Textarea: This accepts multi-line paragraph text. e.g.

    Use this field type to collect larger amount of text.

    -Select: This creates a drop-down control that allows the user select from a list of options e.g.

    Use this option if you would like to restrict user input to a predefined set of options.

    -Radio: This creates a list of options similar to the 'Select' above. However, for radio buttons, each option is displayed on the page without the user needing to click on the control e.g.
    Image result for radio button
    Use this option for smaller list of options.

    -Checkbox: Checkboxes are used to create 'Yes' or 'No' fields. If the user selects the option, its value is set to 'Yes'. If not selected, its value is set to 'No' e.g.

    -File: This allows a user to upload a file e.g.

    -Label: The label field is a special option that does not actually collect any data. This field type is simply used to create a heading withing form fields. This is very useful if you wish to separate fields within a form section. For example see the 'School Information' label below

  3. Sort Order: This defines the placement of the field relative to others in the same section. The fields are arranged in ascending order. The sort order must be an integer. We recommend you do not repeat sort orders for fields in the same section.
  4. Options: The options box is only visible if you select the 'Select' or 'Radio' field types. This box allows you to define the options that can be selected from. Please note that you need to enter each option on a new line e.g.

  5. Required: This specifies if this field should be mandator. If set to 'Yes' then employers will not be able to submit the order form without filling this field.
  6. Hint: This allows you to define a descriptive text that tells the user what type of data is expected for that field. Please note that this only works for Text and Texarea field types.
  7. Enabled: This specifies if the field will be visible on the order form or not.

Once you have created all your sections and their associated fields, your order form should be ready for use!

Note however that you will need to add your form to a menu in order for it to be visible on the site. You can add the form to the header or footer menu by going to 'Settings'-'Menu'. Click on the 'Header Menu' or 'Footer Menu' option.

On the menu editing page, click on the 'Order Forms' panel. You will see the list of all your order forms there. Click on the 'ADD' button for the form you wish to add to your menu.

Your form should now be easy to locate by your employers. For more information on managing menus, please see the 'Managing Menus' help page

Payment Methods

CarePro allows you to configure payment methods that give your users different options for making payments for your invoices.

We support multiple payment gateways. All payments go through these gateways directly into your bank accounts or online wallets as determined by the gateway. You get to configure gateways using credentials you obtain directly from the gateway.

To manage your payment methods, go to 'Settings'-'Payment Methods'

This brings up the list of all available payment methods in the system.

To enable a payment method, click on the 'Edit' button. Each payment gateway has unique settings. Hence, the form for editing each gateway will be different. For the 'Paystack' option, the following page opens

Note, however, that for each gateway, the following fields will always be present

  1. Label: This is the name of the gateway that is displayed to the user as a payment option during checkout.
  2. Sort Order: This is the order of the payment gateway relative to others.
  3. Enabled: This controls whether the payment gateway is active or not.

For each gateway, you'll need to get the relevant credentials from the provider. Please consult the documentation for each provider.


CarePro comes with different templates you can choose from. A template is a design that gives the public area of your CarePro application a special look. Each template comes with different options that enable you to customize the general appearance and content of various aspects of the template.

To customize your current theme or choose a new one, go to 'Settings'-'Templates'

The templates page is split into two sections: Active Template and All Templates.

The Active Template section shows the currently installed template and also displays buttons for modifying the template. The 'All Templates' section displays all the available templates you can choose from. Click on the 'Install' button if you would like to switch to a new template. To modify your existing template, click on the 'Customize' button.

Clicking the 'Customize' button presents two options: Settings and Colors

The 'Settings' button is the main option for modifying the template. It leads to a page that contains various forms for customizing the template. The 'Color' option leads to a page that enables you change the different major colors used by the template.

Clicking on the 'Settings' option leads to a page like below:

Please note that each template's settings page will give different options other than that shown in this image.

Clicking on any of the options opens the panel to reveal the controls available for modifying that option.

Each option always has an 'Enabled' dropdown control at the top left. This can be used to completely enable or disable that option. Once you modify any of the content of an option, click on the 'Save Changes' button. Your changes will reflect on your portal immediately.

Managing Menus

The CarePro menus feature allows you to completely customize the options and arrangement of menu its on the header and footer sections of your web portal.

The Menus options can be found under 'Settings'-'Menus'

You will see the 'Header Menu' and 'Footer Menu' options.

The Header menu controls the top menu on all the Frontend's public pages (except login and registration). For example:

The links in this image are call set by the 'Header Menu' feature.

The Footer Menu sets the links at the bottom of all the site's public page. For example

In this example, the Info and Quick Links columns are controlled by the footer menu feature.

The functionality of the Header Menu and Footer Menu pages is identical. Lets look at setting the header menu. Clicking on the 'Header Menu' option opens a page like below:

The 'Add Links' column on the left gives you all the available pages to add to menu. The 'Menu' column to the right shows the current menu. The 'Add Link' column contains the following tabs which can be expanded to display available pages:

  1. Pages: These are standard pages of the frontend. Pages such as the Homepage, Profile Page, Contact page etc can be added to the menu from here.
  2. Articles: All your articles (Created under 'Content'-'Articles') can be added from here
  3. Candidate Categories: All your candidate categories can be added from here.
  4. Job Categories: All your 'Vacancy Categories' can be added from here
  5. Order Forms: You can add any of your order forms from here. Please ensure that the form is enabled.
  6. Custom: This is a special panel that allows you add custom links to the menu. You can link to any page within or outside your portal.

Once you click on the 'Add' link for any of the pages (or the 'Add' button for custom pages), the page will be added to the right hand column. Clicking on the newly added page will reveal the following fields

The 'Label' field contains the actual text that is displayed on the menu for this page. The 'Sort Order' field controls the position of the menu item relative to its siblings. The 'Parent' dropdown is used to place a menu underneath another item. In this example, the 'Who we are' page is placed under the 'Info' page.

SMS Gateways

CarePro allows you to send out Text messages using different SMS gateways. The SMS gateways settings section allows you to configure what gateways should be available for sending.

To open the SMS Gateways page, click on the 'Settings'-'SMS Gateways' page

The list of available gateways will come up

The list shows if a gateway is active or not. The url of the gateway can also be seen here. If you do not already have an account with any of these gateways, please follow the link and create one.

Click on Install to enable a gatway. Click on the 'Edit' field to edit a gateway. Each gateway's settings page will appear different. Save the credentials required by the gateway and save.

Setting your language

CarePro allows you to change the language used for the enter interface of the Frontend and the Backend. To change the language, go to 'Settings'-'Language'

This opens the language selection page

Select the language from the list and click on 'Save'.

Please note that end users are not able to change languages on the fronted. The application can only use one language at a time.

Email Settings

The 'Email' tab on the 'General Settings' page allows you to change the way your portal sends out emails.

By default, the protocol is 'Mail'

This sends out emails using the PHP mail feature. If you wish to use an SMTP server, you can change the protocol to 'SMTP' and set the credentials here. If you wish to use another email driver other than SMTP, you can set the protocol to 'Mail'. Then edit the .env file in your application root folder and configure the mail driver. Please learn more here:

Social Login

CarePro allows your users (both Employers and Candidates) to log in via their social media accounts. We strongly recommend that you enable social login as it will greatly increase your registration rates. Also, for candidates, social login will automatically import the display picture of your candidate thus relieving them of the task of uploading it manually.

To enable social login, please click on the 'Social Login' tab on the 'General Settings' page

Use the options available to enable Facebook or Google (or both). You will need to supply the Facebook App ID and Secret as well as the Google App ID and secret. Please follow these links for sample instructions on how to get these

  1. Facebook:
  2. Google:

Also note the Callback URLs for Facebook and Google on this page. You will need these as well during setup.

Setting up your logo

One of the first things you will want to do is to setup your Logo. To do so, click on the 'Logo/Icon' tab on the General Settings page

The logo is the main image that is displayed at the header of your site's pages as show below

The icon on the other hand is the small image that is displayed on your web browsers tabs e.g.

Click on the 'Save' button and your logo will be set immediately.

Managing Administrators

The Administrators page is where you can create Admins that can login to the backend and administer your portal.

Clicking on this link displays all your current administrators

On this list you can see the 'Roles' that are assigned to this user. An admin can have multiple roles assigned. The role an admin has determines the restrictions he might have on the portal.

To create a new Admin, click on the 'Add New' button

Enter the details for the user. Specify the roles from the dropdown that you would want the user to have. Click on Create when done.

Managing Roles

The 'Roles' settings section controls all the roles that are available on the system. You can create as many roles as you like. By default, there are two roles 'Super Administrator' and 'Administrator'. These two roles can not be deleted.

The super administrator role has all privileges on the system. You can not edit this role.

The other roles can be edited. Clicking the edit button for a role or clicking on 'Add New' brings up a page like below:

The first field is the 'Name' field which contains the name for the role.

The next section is the 'Permission' section. This section contains a series of panels. Clicking on a panel displays the permissions within that group

In the 'Enabled' column, select if you wish for that permission to active for that role or not.

Save or update the form when you are done setting all your permissions for the role.

Managing Users

The Manage users page under 'Settings' displays every single user on your portal

You get to see the type of the user. The 'Filter' button gives you options for searching for a particular user or filtering based on a type e.g. Employers, Candidates or Admins.


The 'Candidates' tab on the 'General Settings' page gives you the following settings:

  1. Visibility:
    Allow candidates set profile visibility: This section allows you to control if candidates can set their profile visibility by themselves. We recommend you set up the AI candidate bio filter if you wish to turn this on.
    Automatically restrict new candidates: This option allows you to make all new candidates' account to be restricted. This is especially useful if you allow candidates to set their visibility but you only want verified candidates to be visible on your portal. Restricted candidates can not be viewed by employers.
  2. Candidate Filter: This controls what filtering fields are available to employers when they are searching for candidates.


The 'Vacancies' tab on the 'General Settings' page gives you the following settings:

  1. Allow employers create vacancies: This allows you to set if employers can post vacancies and view candidate applications. We recommend that you setup the AI Vacancy filter if you wish to turn this on.
  2. Require approval for employer-created vacancies?: If you set this on, then new vacancies that employers create will be marked as pending. They will only be visible to candidates if you approve them from the backend.
  3. Notify employers about new applications? : If you set this on, the system will automatically send a report to each employer that has an active vacancy which has received at least one new application in the past 24 hours.
  4. Notify candidates about new vacancies? : This will send notifications to all active candidates once a day listing new vacancies created in the past 24 hours.
  5. Notify admins about pending job vacancies?: This will notify admins about pending job vacancies created by employers in the past 6 hours.
  6. Vacancy creation instructions for employers: Here you can write text that will be displayed to employers on the page where they create or edit vacancies. You can let employers know what is permitted and what isn't according to your terms of service.
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