Managing Lectures

Lectures are the heartbeat of online classes. Each lecture consists of pages of content which can contain Text. Video or Html code. Each lecture can also only be associated with one class.

Creating a lecture

To create a lecture, first navigate to the class you will be adding the lecture to. Go to 'Classes'-'All Classes'.

On the the class list page, click 'Actions'-'Manage Lectures' for the class you are adding the lecture to.

On the next page, click on the 'Add Lecture Button'

A popup will appear. Enter in the lecture name and optional sort order. Then click 'save changes'. the sort order determines the position of the Lecture relative to other lectures in that class.

Once you have successfully created the lecture, you will be automatically redirected to the 'Lecture Content' page. This is where you get the add the content of that lecture. You can add Text, Video or HTML code. Clicking the 'Add Lecture Content' button gives you the following options:

  1. Text: Adding text is just as simple as entering the title and content of the text page.

  2. Video: There are two methods of adding Video to a lecture. The first is using a URL and the second is using video embed code. To add video, you need to first upload the video file to your chosen video hosting service. We strongly recommend Vimeo for this due to the advanced privacy and security features they offer.
    The URL method for adding video is the easiest method of adding a video. You simply copy and paste the url of the video from your video hosting service.

    The video embed feature requires you to get the embed code from your hosting service. This feature is useful if you want greater control over how the video displays.
  3. Html Code: This is useful for trainers in the IT sector. It enables you to display raw html code.

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