Employer Library
The Library section allows employers to browse through all tests and pre-assessment question in the system as well as create custom tests and questions.
The test library section is displayed as follows:

Click on 'Create New' to add a new test. Creating a test here is identical to creating a test in the admin section. All tests created here will only be available to this employer and their team members.
For tests that belong to the employer's company, there will be an 'Option' dropdown button that provide options to manage the test and it's questions. The question AI generator is also available for use.
Question Library
Thequestion library provides access to all the questions that are available on the system and for the company of the employer.
Click on 'Create' new to add a question for the company. When a company-created question is displayed, there will be an 'Options' button which will provide links to manage the qeustion.