Upgrade Guide

Upgrading TalentScreen is very straightforward. First, create a full backup of your installation. Next, go to 'Settings'->'Update'. Click on the 'Upload' tab. Extract your downloaded zip file and upload the app.zip file. You should then see a 'Start' button in the 'Update' tab. Your application will then be automatically updated.

If you are unable to upload the app.zip file using the web interface described above, you can also upload it directly to the 'update' directory located in the application root folder.

Manual Update

To upgrade manually (without using the update feature in the admin section), copy your storage folder to a safe location. Also, copy your .env file to a safe location.

Next, upload your app.zip file to the application root folder. Unzip the file there (which will override the existing files). Finally, delete the storage and .env file in the root directory and restore the ones you backed up earlier.

You also need to run the following commands from your terminal (in the application root folder):

php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed --class=SettingSeeder

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