
Employer Settings

Each employer on your CarePro portal will have an account. This account enables employers to be able to login and perform various actions e.g. viewing order statuses, upcoming interviews etc.

You can choose to allow employers to create accounts for themselves by registering on the Frontend. This is the default setting. If however for some reason you do not wish to allow employers register (e.g. you wish to create all employer accounts manually), you can disable employer registration. The setting to do this is available on the 'General Settings' page. You can open this page by going to 'Settings'-'General'

Scrolling down on the page reveals some options for employer registration

Important employer related setting to note here are

  1. Enable employer registration: This controls if registration is enabled for employers. If set to 'No' then no employer will be able to register on the Frontend. You will however still be able to create accounts for employers on the backend and these employers will be able to login from the frontend as long as their accounts are marked 'Active'
  2. Verify Employer Email: This enables only employers with verified emails to open accounts. This setting only takes effect if registration is enabled for employers. The system will send the employer a verification email. Only after clicking the email will an employer be able to complete their registration.
  3. Enable CAPTCHA for employer registration: This forces employers to fill in a numeric code on an image (CAPTCHA) before they can complete their registration. This prevents robots from creating accounts on your portal.

Employer Profile Form

By default, the registration form for employers appears as below:

However, if you want every employer to supply more information during registration, you can add more fields to the employer registration form.

To manage custom fields for employer profiles, go to 'Settings'-'Forms'-'Employer Profile'

The employer profile form page opens as below

Each field must belong to a section. Sections allow you to group related fields and makes your form more organized. Click on the 'Add New' button to create a new section

The different fields are explained below

  1. Name: The name of the section. This will also be visible to employers. Choose a name that describes what type of information will be collected by the fields in this section
  2. Sort Order: This controls the order of display of this section relative to other sections. Sections will be displayed in ascending order.
  3. User Editable: This determines if the employer can make changes to the fields in this section. If set to 'No', then only the admin will be able to view and edit the fields in this section. Also, setting this to 'No' will hide this section and its field from the employer registration form.
  4. Show at registration: This determine if this section and it's fields will be visible during registration. This option is only visible if 'User Editable' is set to 'Yes'. If you set this option to 'No' then employers will not see this section and its fields when they are registering for the first time. However, they will still see this section if they choose to update their account from their account's profile page.

Once you have created a section, you will be directed back to the section list page.

Click on the 'Manage Fields' button for a section in order to create fields for it. Creating fields here is similar to the process for creating order form fields.

Managing Employers

Each employer on your site will have an account. You can manage all the accounts of employers by clicking on the 'Employers' menu option.

You can segment your employers as either 'Active' or 'Inactive'. You are at liberty to determine what you would term as an Active or Inactive employer. Typically though, you would term an 'Active' employer as one who currently has a candidate of yours in their employ or is in the process of hiring and candidate from you.

The employer listing page appears as below

The 'Employed' column in the image above shows how many candidates that employer has every hired from you. This number is determined from the 'Placement' records that you create for the employer.
At the top of the list are some buttons. The 'Filter' button enables your to filter the list based on different criteria. The 'Export' button enables you export your list of employers into a csv file. Please note that the exported list will also be filtered based on your 'Filter' criteria used (if any).

The 'Actions' button for each employer enables you to view edit or delete an employer.

Employer Records

The 'Records' button for each employer displays a list of records associated with that employer

  1. Placement Records: These are the placement records you have created for this employer. A placement should be created every time an employer employs a candidate from you. You can create new placement records from this page.
  2. Invoices: These are all the Invoices associated with this employer. This enables you view the payment history of each employer.
  3. Notes: Notes can be created for each employer. A note is an internal log containing any information you wish to retain about an employer. Typically, you should log every interaction your staff have with an employer such as Phone call, emails etc.
  4. Attachments: You can attach files to each employer. This is important for storing information like receipts, images etc.

Importing Employers

CarePro allows you to import employers into the system. This is very useful if you already have an existing database of Employers. An account will be created for each employer and login details can be emailed to them.

In order to import employers, go to 'Employers'-'Import'

This brings up the import wizard as show below:

Click on the browse button in order to select a csv file from your hard drive. Please note that the import feature only accepts properly formatted CSV files. The CSV file should have the column names as the first line. Click on 'Upload' once you have selected the file.

The next step of the wizard is the 'Set Fields' step

In this step, you need to map the fields in the CSV file with the fields CarePro expects to receive. The CarePro fields are on the left while the fields from the CSV file are in the Dropdowns on the right. If you have created custom employer profile fields, they will also display. Once you have mapped your fields properly, click on the 'Proceed' button.

The Preview step will come up. This shows a preview of how fields will be mapped based on your selection in the previous step.

The 'Send account details to new users ' checkbox enables you to specify if users should recieve the login details to their new account once they get imported.

The 'Update existing users if email exists ' option will attempt to update user data if the email account already exists on the system.

Click the 'Start Import' button to complete your importation.
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