Configuring a PDF generation library

Internally, TrainEasy supports two PDF generation libraries: DomPDF and Snappy. Dompdf works easily on most systems without any extra configuration. However, it has limited support for Arabic characters. Snappy has excellent support but you may get errors if your hosting places restrictions on PHP code executing binary files.

Snappy is the default option. To use DomPDF instead, kindly edit your .env file (located in the application root folder) and set:


Fixing the /wkhtmltox-jessie-amd64: Permission denied " stdout: error

If you get the above error while running Snappy, try running this command from your terminal

chmod +x /[PATH_TO_YOUR_INSTALLATION]/vendor/h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64/bin/wkhtmltopdf-amd64
Ensure you replace [PATH_TO_YOUR_INSTALLATION] with the actual path to your installation
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