Upgraded support page


We have just upgraded our item support page. This page is intended for users of our various products purchased on CodeCanyon. We have just added a section for uploading attachments. Now you can attach files to your support requests. The major use cas...

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TrainEasy Update: Enhanced Zoom Integration


We are excited to announce the release of the latest update to TrainEasy. This version includes an exciting new feature: Enhanced zoom integration. Previously, our Zoom integration used an Iframe to load the Zoom web client. This was problematic for ...

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CarePro SaaS Released!


We are excited to announce the release of the SaaS version of our CarePro application. This version will enable users to create and maintain multiple instances of CarePro in order to run a profitable Software as a Service business! Buy here now: http...

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CarePro Update: New Payment Gateways


We are pleased to announce a new update to our CarePro application. We have successfully upgraded the payment system. Each payment gateway is now available as a standalone module. This makes it easier to add new custom payment methods. We have also ...

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TrainEasy and CarePro upgrade


We are pleased to announce that we have just completed the upgrade of our CarePro and TrainEasy software to the latest Laravel version: version 8. Kindly note that this upgrade requires PHP version 7.3 and above.

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TrainEasy version 3 Launched


We are pleased to announce that the latest version of our TrainEasy software (Self hosted version) is now available. This version is a major upgrade and the software is now based on the Laravel Framework.The version also comes with major new features...

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Improved audio playback on TrainEasy mobile


We are pleased to announce that we have implemented an upgrade on our TrainEasy mobile app. We recently added local video playback capability to TrainEasy. We followed this up with video playback functionality on the mobile app. Due to user feedback,...

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Welcome to our new site!


Hello there! Welcome to the brand new Intermatics website! We've been planning to launch a new site for some time now but we've been so preoccupied with our products! We are pleased its finally ready! Some features of our new site include: Showcase...

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